Sunday, January 26, 2014

Part Five: Justin

Seems like Justin is a pretty cool guy.  He fits in very well with the family and is a good friend/boyfriend to Via.  I have a feeling he's going to be good for Auggie and Jack as well. :) One thing that stuck out to me in this chapter was that no letters were capitalized. I'm trying to think of why the author may have chosen to do that.  Any ideas??? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts


  1. Because he might have wrote it and he wrote it with no capitals. But that was odd how they weren't capitalized.

    1. I agree, I was thinking that not capitalizing "i " may have had something to do with his self esteem. He talked a lot a bout how Via and Auggie's parents were so loving and he didn't get that much at home. So maybe he didn't feel very important.

      So do you think he just had poor grammar, or was it something more?

  2. I think he just had bad grammar,but it could be something else I guess.

  3. what will our next book be

    1. Hi Henry! I'm looking into that now- I will announce at book club on Tuesday am.
